2-Zone Infrared Temperature Monitoring & Control Panel
May 2, 2008
Large Display Infrared Temperature Indicating System
October 27, 2008

12-Zone Burn Building Temperature Monitoring System

Before this system is described, we want to take this opportunity to thank all of the fire fighters in our area and recognize the outstanding job they do day in and day out. A “burn building” is a structure that is built by local fire departments then, set on fire. The fire is intentionally set to determine how hot it burns, how quickly it spreads from room to room, how various contruction materials combust, what insulating materials may be best to use, etc. The image to the left is the lastest Burn Building Temperature Monitoring System. Pictured in front of the enclosure are special, high temperture sensors that are mounted through and behind walls within the burn building structure. This type of system may be designed with simple digital temperature indicators and / or with a multi-channel recorder for for data collection and analysis.